martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

Presentation of the new project for classroom

A New Project!
We are going to start a new project for the English classroom. These lessons are going to be focused on storytelling, because I know stories are a fantastic way for learning English besides other many things. 
 For this purpose, we will begin carrying out a webquest in the next two lessons. This webquest will have as a main aim to work with the curriculum section 2, "Reading and Writing".
In the three remaining lessons, we will work with different texts from stories and books and you will have to develop some activities related with that. 

Use of Blogging in the Classroom


As we can watch in this video, blogging is now a very useful way for teaching many subjects in the classroom. Here are some advantages of using a blog for teaching:
  • It makes learning independent of time and place. This means that you can create activities children can do at home or in another place where they have access to internet. Also, there is no time limit if we work out of the classroom hours.
  • It entails a student-centred education. They have the opportunity of organizing their own work in his own way. Of course, this can involve some disadvantages to those people who are used to know exactly what they must to do. 
  • It is a good methodology to improve motivation in students, because ICT used to be an interesting way of learning for them. 
  • It may cause an improvement on students' writting skills. Using a blog entails that students have to write about lot of things, so the teacher can observe the mistakes they usually make and so he/she can help them to do the proper correction.
  • It can help the teacher to know about the different ways of thinking the students have. 
  • It gives the opportunity of collaboration between all the students. 
  • It offers the possibility of adding images, videos, activities and many other things.

Welcome to my new blog!

Good Morning, everybody! 

I want to welcome you to this my new blog, which is focused to the use of ICT (Information and communication Technology) in the English classroom.

So, in this blog you will be able to find ways for using the ICT and for taking advantage of the new technologies in order to turn our lessons into something funny and interesting at the time the children acquire the contents and the aims from the curriculum.

Finally, I only have to say I hope you will enjoy this blog and thank you for coming!