viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Stories Webquest (4 Lessons)


Hi kids! This webquest has got as aims to get you involve in "stories world" and to practice skills like reading, listening and writing in the most funny way.
We are going to work with different stories and tales, from several authors and each one with its own characteristics.
This is an activity focused on the Sixth year, with twelve years-old students.
We will work with this along three days.
So, come on! Let's go to learn something about stories :)


You will get into groups of five (so there will be five groups). Each group will have got a story or tale for work and they will have to search the information I ask for. Then, you will have the opportunity to create your own story ending and to represent the story making a performance. 


1) You will get into groups of five (so there will be five groups). 

2) Each group will work with a different story.
  • Group 1 "Little Red Riding Hood"
  • Group 2 "The mouse and the lion"
  • Group 3 "Hansel and Gretel"
  • Group 4 "The three little pigs"
  • Group 5 "Jack and the beanstalk"
    3) You will have to match these stories with these authors:
    • Charles Perrault
    • The Brothers Grimm
    • Aesop
      4) Search information of these authors (each group of their story). 
      • When and where was he/she born?
      •  What other stories did he/she write? (Write three or four)
      • When and where did he/she die?

      5) There are two stories which have got anonymous authors so, if your group have got it, you will be able to make up a name for the author and to create his/her own live. At the section where appears the second question (What other stories did he/she write?), you will have to mention three or four stories which are anonymous.

      6)  After hearing and listening the story, you will have to answer these questions about it:
      • WHO are the main characters?
      • WHERE does the story happen?
      • WHEN does the story happens?
      • HOW does the story end? 

        7) The final activity will be create your own final to the story (each person from each group will write his/her own individually).

        8) You will have to organize the information that you have got and to make a mural (one mural for group) with an image of the author and writing the most important facts about he (those that answer the questions in step 4). When you have finished, you can start to prepare the performance for the next day.

        9) You will represent the performance of your story. Each performance will last 10 minutes.

        10) We will end with a kind of assesement. First, each children will read his/her own ending of the story, and we can make comments about them. Also, each child will have an opinion about the performaces in the previous lesson.    

        • In the first lesson, we will follow the steps from 1 to 7.
        • In the second lesson, we will follow the step 8.
        • In the third lesson we will follow the step 9.
        • In the fourth lesson, we will follow the step 10.


        Little Red Riding Hood

        The three little pigs

        Jack and the Beanstalk

        The mouse and the lion

        Hansel and Gretel


        Charles Perrault

        The Brothers Grimm



        In the final evaluation of the activity, I will take into account the participation in the project besides the proper writing, the hability to understand the stories and the creativity.

        So, I hope you will enjoy this project and I will appreciate you to write your opinion at the end of the webquest. 

        Let's go to work!

        9 comentarios:

        1. Hi Jenny, I don't really know if I like or dislike the story,jeje.. It is a joke, I really like, it is a beautiful story.

          I think that stories are a good way to work with children, because they are perfect to motivate them to work, as well as, to increase their interest in the language.

          Moreover, stories are a good choice to create a good atmosphere in the classroom and to propiciate positive educational situations, in such a way that students get involve in their learning process.

          Come on! Let's go to tell stories.

        2. Congratulations Jenny! Your blog is really good. The webquest that you present is very interesting. I think that children will be motivated with the topic of the lessons and it helps a lot when you do the different tasks.

          From my point of view you have used one of the most useful topics for working with children. The classroom will have the apropiate atmosphere for children and they will work in a better way.

          Let's tell us your stories!

        3. Jenny I love your webquest, not only because you used the stories that are really suitable for working in class with children in a fun way , if not for the structure of the activities and the role they have to play in each of the sections.

          In my opinion is one of the most elaborate blogs,I hope you continue in this way because you will get very far.


        4. Jenny! teach is your passion, and it is reflected in your work here in your blog. I love the stories that you have chosen, and how you work with your children.

          You are so smart!

          P.D. Live long and prosperity!

        5. Jenny congratulations for your work, found me one of the best blogs I've seen, it shows that you like to teach, it is so. I love the way in which has focused it it is very interesting and fun for children.
          A greeting.

        6. Hola Jenny.

          ¡Has hecho un trabajo perfecto! Has elegido un tema a tratar que hará que tus alumnos esten motivados y no quieran dejar de trabajar.
          Has relizado la propuesta con mucho mimo y cuidado. ¡ Es realmente fantástica!
          Enorabuena compañera.

        7. Al final te quedó todo ordenado. Esos son dibujos y no lo que ven ahora ¬¬

        8. Hi Jenny!
          I like your job so much and it's very motivated for children.
          It's great!
